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Since June 2020, Alyssa and Matthieu want to offer a selection of unique pieces that echo their personal style and reflect their values. They both work at agencies in the luxury industry, in marketing and IT respectively. 

Their common passion for fashion and one of a kind vintage treasures led them to travel and hunt all over the world in search of the most beautiful pieces that the universe will have put in their path. Not remaining indifferent to these signs, at dawn sounded like an obvious choice for them, a way to share their passion through a refined selection of the most edgy pieces they are led to discover.

at dawn’s ambition is to become a welcoming space where fashion is synonymous with freedom, self-expression and in line with the lifestyle representing this new generation.


Our vision is to revive the vintage aesthetic with a modern and urban twist.


We want to share our passion for vintage by helping and giving fashion advice for our community through a unique and spontaneous selection of pieces.


Our mission is to find and share with our community the most unique vintage pieces we can find


Who has never dreamed of traveling through time? To watch time stand still, even just for a few seconds. Our selection allow this kind of experience, they encapsulate a whole era in fabrics and craftsmanship.

At Dawn stands as a bridge connecting generations to the treasures that have marked them. At the same time recurrent like the dawn and precious as the first sunbeams, it is a shift that occurs between the beginning of a new day and the dreams that have dazzled us in our sleep. 

Exploring and discovering new things pushes us to be meticulous and pay attention to all coincidences that may cross our path. We embrace this complexity and uncertainty because we believe that everything happens for a reason and what is meant to happen will happen.

We’ll never stop loving the rush of adrenaline that we get when we enter a thrift store not knowing what we are going to find that day.

3ème drop FALL LOOKBOOK : +20 nouveaux articles


Bienvenue chez ‘At Dawn’ : une passion pour la mode, le vintage et la découverte de pépites à travers le monde entier. Notre besoin de partager ces alternatives et de montrer aux consommateurs les enjeux et les avantages d’une mode plus consciente de son environnement.